The DIAGNOSTIC is a one-hour online module designed to give university leaders the information they need to begin scaling critical thinking instruction at their institutions.
Designed for pre-entry and entering college students, the DIAGNOSTIC allows leadership to measure students’ critical thinking using ready-made assessment tools.
Students then work through a few short lessons, gaining a small set of critical thinking skills they need to succeed in college-level coursework and the motivation to pursue deeper critical thinking training in the future.
ThinkerAnalytix is seeking orientation and pre-entry programs to pilot the DIAGNOSTIC in summer 2025. As part of this free pilot, the ThinkerAnalytix team will:
Please email [email protected] to request more information.
Why complete the DIAGNOSTIC?
In this short introduction, each student selects an introductory video from a variety of student-created options. Videos point to different motivations students might have to take the module, including the motivation to: find college success, have a productive civic life, attend graduate school, gain employment, and more.
Following the introductory videos, each student takes a short diagnostic assessment that will help university leaders gauge entering students’ critical thinking skills.
Through animated video and a short, reflective self-assessment, students practice critical thinking by working through a Classic Game: The Monty Hall Problem.
Students leave part 1 having reflected on their confidence in argumentative reasoning.
In the latter half of part 2, students use a visual method to assess the reasons that motivated their moves in the game. This lesson drives home a key skill: the ability to identify faulty reasoning in our own arguments and change our minds accordingly.
A video and short set of practice exercises help students dissect arguments visually into their component parts: reasons and conclusions.
A short conclusion summarizes the skills students have surveyed, and aims to motivate future critical thinking development throughout their college years. Students finish the module with a short survey asking about their experience in the DIAGNOSTIC.
The DIAGNOSTIC is the first part of thinkARGUMENTS, an online program designed to build critical thinking skills for pre-college and enrolled college students.
Through our course's Analysis Track and optional puzzle game, students master a deep set of reasoning skills in a custom, personalized learning platform.
Optional advanced course content synthesizes the skills and explores applications to more complex academic and policy topic areas.
We foster a network of faculty and education leadership to help us innovate for future students.
A step-by-step method for students to engage productively with peers over controversial issues.
The goal? To build a culture of productive discourse, collaboration, and innovation, even in the face of strong disagreement.
This track is designed to easily integrate with courses and extra-curricular programs for students across a college or university.
thinkDIAGNOSTIC is offered by ThinkerAnalytix, a non-profit organization spun out of the Harvard University Department of Philosophy. We leverage thousands of years of tools from philosophy and custom technology to offer a portfolio of programs that teach critical thinking and productive disagreement as an essential part of learning and working communities.